Tuesday, April 1, 2014

My Trip Down the Crunchy Rabbit Hole

This month, I thought I'd blog about something different--this is my blog month of "jumping down the crunchy rabbit hole." I've been experimenting with some green DIY recipes, no poo-ing, dry brushing and dyeing my hair with henna. It's been up, down and sideways with some of these experiments and I thought I'd blog about the results this month. We're going back to more natural, just like this guy in the picture.

I'm the type of person that needs to ease into change. My healthier eating? Had to ease into it, one recipe at a time. Green makeup? Had to ease into it, one product at a time. I've been researching like mad, often leading to some late nights, perusing the good ole web for easy recipes and how-to's, easing into crunchiness over the past month. There's so much more I can do and change, but I'll be making these changes incrementally so it's sustainable.

Tune in to see how these green adventures/misadventures turn out! First stop down the crunchy rabbit hole: no poo-ing!

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